Question for the moment, quoting Old Testament of the Bible, Exodus 20:12, “Honor your father and your mother.” This, the 5th commandment, has been latched on by every NPD, world over, for centuries to use as a battery ram against their own children to extract unquestioning loyalty to their overbearing manipulative parent.
Many fundamentalists express the right to throw a child into the streets to starve to death if they “slip up” and become pregnant out of wedlock. Is that what God instructed done to orphans and widows?
Even when I was 35 years of age, I was still being lectured by my Narcissist Psychopath Disordered mother for so-called “rebellion,” and “disobedience.”
35! Yet expected to offer reverence of a 5 year old she expected I should be rather than true to myself as my own woman, in reality.
How dare I think for myself, or have my own separate interests, hopes, ambitions, separate from mother or father's.
Words can not express how damaging this abuse is, because the missed decades of opportunities to develop a healthy sense of self and independence are shot to the wind! I dwelt in a constant state of panic and existence, never living.
The motto of Americans is supposed to be “Life, Liberty and pursuit of happiness.”
Fundamentalists and especially Narcissist Psychopath Disordered fundamentalists don't believe in that motto. In their distorted mind they are the center of the cosmos and everything, emphasis, every thing, therein exists for their own benefit.
Therefore, Happiness!? Yes, but only for the Narcissist Psychopath parent.
Never the child. The child's happiness is indifferent and reliant on whether or not the Narcissist parent is happy.
The child's individuality is non-existent, forbidden, a direct act of rebellion and defiance and should be immediately remedied by having the child merked for their rebellion by elders in the street, or so they express desiring “in an ideal world” as their Bible states in Deuteronomy 21:18.
Can you see how scripture, presumably the word of God, is twisted by use of mental gymnastics to suit the nefarious purpose of evil men and women?
Eventually, by consultation with a sane counselor, to whom my ripe age had became undeniably apparent, finally saw through the fog and beyond into the darkness of the destructive disordered mind of the over arched, overbearing manipulative mother I had the misfortune of being biologically related to. The woman who taught by action boundaries are non-existent.
This new counselor advised me to move far away as possible from the matriarch, including the local circle I was isolated within whom the matriarch had successfully manipulated with complete and total control over the opinion they bear toward me.
Such people were useful in the matriarch's schemes to hold me in a perpetual state of isolation and prevented, years before, from moving to start a new life on my own out of her reach.
They would step forward to instill self-doubt, make allegations of mental illness, gaslighting! always gaslighting or assist the matriarch in some scheme or another to intimidate me back into isolation behind four walls. I guess it is as they say, “Keep your friends close, but the people you hate, closer.”
When I began to make my move to a city beyond the standard scope of the matriarch's reach, I soon learned even there, she had still managed to discover a line in to gossip! No where was safe from her prying and keeping tabs on my activities.
In spite of the insanity of the matriarch's prying, I began to discover the counselor was correct.
I acquainted new people, neighbors who were nothing at all like the people I had been around.
For the first time in my life, a slight sense of peace began to creep in.
Why did former counselors, people who were in a position of authority fail to do this, advising me to leave, vacate, 20 or 30 years earlier?
Perhaps because the Narcissistic Psychopath is a charmer and social butterfly, charismatic in their public persona.
Why didn't Child Protective Services step in and rescue me from such a household rife with neglect, abuse and sadistic tendencies when I was 12, 15, 17?! Why did I have the misfortune of being forced to suffer in silence for decades, beaten brutally more times than I can count, restricted financially, socially, denied every thing that would offer some semblance of a normal childhood.
Denied affection, without a savior from the clutches of a Narcissistic Psychopath?
As to Exodus 20:12, “Honor your father and mother”. Did not Jesus say himself in Matthew 10:35, “For I have come to set a man at variance against his father, and the daughter against her mother”?
Why does this verse go unnoticed by the Dena Schlossers of the world, the Karens and the Margies?
The unwritten rule in the household tended toward unquestioned use of intimidation by authority to keep strict control at all times.
They demanded unconditional respect and blind obedience.
But respect is earned.
There is a difference between intimidation and respect.
Further, as to Exodus 20 12 it is written in First Corinthians 6 19 that our bodies are sacred because God's Holy Spirit is supposed to dwell within us.
Yes, even within children, but the Narcissistic Psychopath parent can not fathom this, after all, she sees herself as the embodiment of God, not a mere vessel.
Her every whim is tainted with her confidence and self-assured righteousness that she can do no wrong just as her every whim and will, is backed by the will of God.
The question should be whether or not we ought to render blind faith obedience and obeisance to a negligent, cruel, sadistic parent over our own physical, spiritual and mental well-being?
Corinthians 6 19 states our body is a sanctuary.
One does not belong to themself as their own property but rather, belongs to God.
Likewise, if a child's soul and body belong to God, then how much less the property of a Narcissistic Psychopath mother?! to abuse on a whim and do with as she sees fit due to her lack of natural maternal instinct.
How many more children must be brutalized, injured, even die each year due to negligent Narcissist parents high on their own self-serving distortions of scripture?
In regards to Bobby Fischer, world chess champion chess player I often write about, after my experiences around NPD I recognize the modus operandi. Gaslighting is a preferred tactic to divert negative attention on their targeted victim.
NPD have no regard for truth or justice, only self-centeredness. When they don't get their way, revenge.Young Bobby, coming into his own as a celebrity refused to oblige demands of those he was surrounded by, soon facing a barrage of vicious rumors and negative press.
Brazen lies are the NPD's favorite tactic to deal with rejection.
Just like myself, Bobby Fischer was facing an onslaught of negative rumors and baseless slander by those seeking to use Bobby for their own stepping stone to fame and fortune or perceiving him as a threat to their own entitlement.
Finding himself brunt of public ridicule, mixed with praise for his genius, joined Radio Church of God, a cult, there spending many years in seclusion. In time, his isolation grew.
The WCG was a fundamentalist doomsday cult which my own parents forced me to attend.
Targeted victims of NPD's are often destined to find themselves living in perpetual isolation due to impossibility of fitting into the “social network” NPD's weave for themselves.